Chris was raised in the USA and had the privilege of hearing the Gospel at a young age, trusting Christ as his personal Saviour. As a teenager, he felt the Lord’s call to preach, and enrolled in Bible college to prepare to fulfill God’s call.
After completing his degree, he married a Dublin girl, Zoe; and they began to serve the Lord together in Zoe’s homeland for a time before returning to America. While living in Ireland, Chris became very burdened with the lack of Gospel witness across Ireland’s towns and villages. God would later use this burden to call Chris to full-time Gospel ministry in Ireland.
Since 2009, the Lord has given Chris the opportunity to fulfill this calling, working with churches and church-plants in Ireland and abroad, encouraging and equipping believers to effectively play their part in God’s plan to reach the lost.
In 2017, Tullamore Bible Church asked if Chris would consider coming to Tullamore to pastor the church once Pastor Mark moved on. Later that year, Chris and his family came to Tullamore Bible Church; and Chris has been serving as its pastor since 2019.
Ordained by Lifegate Bible Baptist Church in Dublin, Chris is committed to the Lord’s work of reaching the lost, staying true to the Word of God, and equipping God’s people to effectively reach others for Christ.